Foxglove, Manicotti and Magic Brownies

The sun at last made an appearance yesterday afternoon! We have been under heavy clouds with no rain for many a day. Unusual weather for our part of Oregon. With more of the same in the distant forecast. It’s the El Nino thing, I believe.  The locals talk about summers from the past that are so cloudy and cool that gardens really don’t perform well. We could be in for one of those cloudy summers. Hope not. The flowers are very happy in this weather. The foliage on the plants are so lush from these cloudy days, that when the sun does come out for a time, the plants start to wither in the sun. The grass has already started to seed and is up to my waist in some areas. The deer will love the grain off the fescue. One of our most colorful forest birds arrived this week. A flock of Western Tanagers have been seen flitting about the branches of the Doug Firs.  With breasts and heads of flaming orange and yellow, the Western Tanager is by far our most brilliantly plumed forest bird.

I tried out another new recipe yesterday, Susan’s Manicotti.  The last time I baked up Manicotti was back in 1992-3……Trying to impress a new boy friend at the time.  Great comfort food on these overcast days. Easy and fun to put together. A 9 inch round of Magic Brownies also appeared over the course of these dreary days. A little dab will do ‘ya!

One thought on “Foxglove, Manicotti and Magic Brownies

  1. We’re getting a bit of June Gloom down here as well. I rather enjoy it and the plants don’t seem to mind much. It gives them a chance to become more deep rooted before the searing heat of summer.

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